My first, and most developed and tested, pattern is the anorak. It originated in the northern regions of our little planet and has, over the years, become a model for cold weather comfort. While jackets may offer the convenience of easy on-and-off, they lack the low maintenance and higher heat retention of the anorak.

What it is:
- durable
- warm (and even warmer when stuffed with natural materials)
- breathable
- fire resistant
- water resistant
- wind resistant
- silent
- naturally camoflauged
- ...and ultimately comfortable

I highly recommend you do an internet search for daVinci's Vitruvian Man. It will explain the relation of human proportions better than anyone can.

...and remember these important things:
- Take your time. When was the last time anything was finished correctly in a hurry? Pyramids buddy. Still standing.
- You are never doing it wrong... Only doing it your way -Frank Sinatra
- It never hurts to ask for help
- Show your style. Embellish with function. My patterns are just a starting point for the ideas you've already had!

All pictures and illustrations will have captions and details underneath.

What the final project will (notice that's WILL and not SHOULD! you can do this. take your time!) look like:

Without the hood. Modeled by Cidel Fastro ;)

Buttoned up. Modeled by Lavid Detterman.

With detachable hood snapped on. Modeled by Mob Barley.
Let's quit stalling on this project and get going!
Anorak materials >

Jackets and Pullovers
Hats and Headbands
Bags and Cases
Sheaths and Knives
Readers Creations
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